Discovering trends in industrial design

Industrial design is moving towards a future focused on innovation, sustainability and user experience. It emphasizes ergonomics and aesthetics.

This notion adapts to changing consumer needs, promoting personalization and flexibility. There is a growing trend towards clean, minimalist designs. For example, innovative materials such as bioplastics and carbon composites are gaining in popularity. Whether in electronics or furniture, current trends reflect a desire to combine aesthetics, functionality and sustainability.

Automotive industry

Automotive industry

trends in industrial design
Medical industry

Medical industry



Industrial Design Journal: excellence & inspiration

The best industrial designs highlight the most inspiring ideas shaping the future of industry.

industrial design icon
Professions in the industry

A multitude
of fascinating

Professions in the industry

Product design

solutions that improve
our lives

Product design

Industrial designers

Industrial designers combine creativity and technical knowledge

Industrial designers

Pushing back the frontiers of industrial innovation

The printed circuit board industry is constantly pushing back the boundaries of innovation. These tiny panels of interconnected components are the backbone of your electronic devices. is a leading manufacturer of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and technical components. We offer customized solutions covering all PCB technologies. Every product is carefully designed and tested.

Modeling prototyping

Modeling & prototyping

Indispensable to industrial innovation, modeling and prototyping enable us to create a new product that can be tested before mass production.

Industrial products: design, innovation & development

The design, innovation and development of industrial products are important steps in meeting consumer needs.

Product design is an art that requires creativity and precision. Innovation, on the other hand, pushes the boundaries of technology and design. Engineers and designers work together to transform innovative ideas into tangible industrial products.

Industrial products design
Industrial products

The creative process in industrial design

The creative process is a constant challenge, but it’s what makes industrial design so rewarding.

It’s an essential step in designing innovative, functional products. It begins with an in-depth research phase to assess market trends.

creative process in industrial design

Creativity & Technology - Perspectives in industrial design & technology

By combining creativity and technology, professionals can push back the frontiers of innovation and create products that shape our future.

industrial design icon
Artificial intelligence


Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is involved in a number of applications in the design of intelligent, connected products.

3D printing

3D printing is a revolutionary technology that dramatically speeds up the design and iteration process.

3D printing


Augmented reality


Augmented reality

Augmented reality (AR) is transforming the way designers work and interact with their creations.

Design and prototyping of flexible printed circuits

Circuit testing and fine-tuning

Mass production

Innovation race

A constantly evolving field

flexible printed circuits